Archivo mensual: julio 2013

Here is our family picture for PUMPS 2013!

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PUMPS 2013 at bsc, check in.

Just the beginning, almost a hundred people in the room!

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Scripts, road to PUMPS 2013

Purpose. I want to left here a couple of Python scripts for connecting to a remote server or synchronizing folders between host and server without using an «smart client», all from terminal. Connecting with the server. This small script connect your … Seguir leyendo

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PUMPS CUDA summer school. Barcelona supercomputing center.

Finalmente me han admitido en el PUMPS summer school del centro nacional de supercomputación, en Barcelona. El PUMPS (Programming and Tuning Massively Parallel Systems) summer school tiene la fama de ser uno de los cursos más completos en tecnología CUDA … Seguir leyendo

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